Tuesday, October 3, 2017


                    I would recommend Baruch to use more social media apps such as Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat to conduct student engagement. For example, Baruch could create a location-enabled filter, to allow students to use this special filter when they are physically present on the campus. In addition, to design an emoji that mimics our mascot, the bearcat on snapchat.

                   Moreover, Facebook's live option also allows people to do live feed for events and seminars. This is very helpful for those students who have conflict schedules, and by joining in a live feed event, they will not miss out these interesting events. I have used Facebook's live feed feature to listen several events/interviews which I was unable to attend in person, and technologies such as helped many others to join in, without the need of physical presence. Furthermore, live feed option in Facebook also allows its viewers to comment upon the event in real time, and to express out their opinions by giving various icons such as a 'thumbs-up', or a 'sad face'. These tools allow the event organizers to better understand the publics' sentiment. 

                  Such an understanding of the mass audience is important, as event organizers should use a two-way communication that gain insights into their thinking and get feedback about the event. In the traditional media, most communication is one way, one in which a sender sends a message to a person, and then depending on the timing, to get a quick or lengthy response time. New media brings the communication barriers down, and adding more participants into the market, that is, a place for people to exchange their views and ideas. And by understanding their sentiment in real time, event organizers can quickly understand what are the areas needed for improvement. 


  1. I suggested the same thing about using social media to reach out to students. In regards to your Snapchat filter there are already a handful of location filters for Baruch College. The emoji that mimics our mascot would be fun to use and spread Baruch's name. I never thought of using Facebook Live to "attend" events that I was not able to attend in person, this is a great way for students to still be present while not physically being at the event.

  2. Hey Thomas! Wow never thought of the idea to create a location-enabled filter, that would be really cool. It can also be used through an app and it would awesome if we would be able to create groups with our classmates so that we know if there's anyone in the library or on which floor if you wanted to meet up with them, or to just ask them a quick question.
    The Facebook live is also a great idea. I personally feel so disconnected from the club and activity life at Baruch, and being able to connect with it through Facebook live would be a great opportunity.

  3. Hi Thomas,
    I think it would be really great if Baruch's student clubs did this Facebook live streams when they set up events. A large majority of the time that club events are going on I would have to be at work. I think it would have been really helpful and informative if I was able to listen in on these events or look back at them when I had the chance. The Baruch bearcat filter would be a cool idea also since now it is just images of the building. Great ideas you brought up!
